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Teach 21st century skills with any lesson or topic using Bee Bot in the Classroom.
Sometimes I like to just sit in my little world of kindergarten and teach. I love to teach kids how to read, expose them to science and learn more about the world around them. But if I did all this without thinking towards the future my students will have, I would be doing them a disservice. These sweet “babies” are living in a technology packed world like never before. They must know more than just ‘about’ technology – they must know how to USE it.
I’m going to be honest with you, the thought of that is really overwhelming to me. I mean I’m pretty good with my computer, I’ve figured out how to blog and taught myself video editing for my You Tube Channel. But coding and the intricacies of computers – well that is a different story.
When I thought about teaching my students how to use technology I always pictures MIT students plugging away in a laboratory and I just didn’t know how to get my students there. I mean – they are only 5 years old. Then I met Bee Bot.
What is a Bee Bot?
Bee Bot is a programmable bee robot that was designed to be used by kids. Program Bee Bot using the arrows on its back to move forward, backwards or turn 90 degrees. It’s so easy to use that even I can figure it out! 😉 The basic idea is that your students program Bee Bot to move along a grid or map in order to solve a problem. It’s a pretty amazing little robot. Here’s a quick glimpse at Bee Bot:
Using Bee Bot in the Classroom
Bee Bot is more than just a lesson on coding. With Bee Bot your students will also be practicing counting, sequencing, problem solving, estimating, directionality and vocabulary. These are all some pretty amazing 21st century skills that all our students need.
Bee Bot uses a 6 inch grid system (called a map) to move on. Each forward key moves Bee Bot 6 inches forward. Through the use of a pre-made Bee Bot grid, or one you make for yourself on the floor (thank you masking tape), Bee Bot can be used in any type of lesson.
Just look at these different Bee Bot mats that I found with a quick search:

The city mat makes a great activity when learning about places in the community. Your students program Bee Bot to visit different locations.

This school map is a great place to start at the beginning of the school year. As your students learn about different places in the school, they can program Bee Bot to go there.

Let students practice letter names and sounds by sending Bee Bot to different letters of the alphabet.

Let students review shapes, colors and sizes with this Bee Bot mat.
This is my absolute FAVORITE map – a blank grid overlay that can be used with anything!
By lifting the plastic grid overlay, you can place cards under the grid allowing Bee Bot to work on any skill or with any lesson. I created a set of cards for the Bee Bot mat that focuses on Numbers to 20. We use this all the time as we are learning to recognize numbers, count ten frames, and read number words. Students draw a number card and then have to program Bee Bot to travel to a matching ten frame or number word.
I also put together a card set for beginning sounds. Students draw a letter card and then program Bee Bot to move to a picture with the beginning sound that matches the letter. Not only are they reviewing the concept of beginning sounds, but then they must problem solve and figure out how to get Bee Bot to the correct picture.
Both of these Bee Bot card sets are available in The Kinderhearted Classroom Store or on Teachers Pay Teachers.
I Can’t Afford Bee Bot!
Bee Bot can be one of the more expensive items you will put into your classroom, but don’t let that stop you from trying. Although you can buy a full start-up set that comes with Bee Bot and many of the maps, all you really need to get started is Bee Bot! You can always create your own 6 inch by 6 inch grid for Bee Bot to travel on. If you can only purchase one map, then go for the blank grid because it is the most versatile. By adding flash cards, pictures, words or numbers you could have your students practice any skill, concept or vocabulary words.
You don’t have to pay for Bee Bot yourself! Many schools or districts have grant applications for items just like this. Your administrator might also find room in the budget if you agree to make it a grade level resource or school wide resource. Finally, Donors Choose is a great way to get classroom items funded by others. Kind of like a Go Fund Me page for teachers, Donors Choose is an amazing organization that works to provide resources for teachers all over the country.